月別アーカイブ: 2012年7月


台湾の代理人(Li&Cai Intellectual Property Office)の副所長弁理士何秋遠先生と顧問の弁理士黄文儀先生が当所に来られました。



Mr. Lewis C.Y.Ho, Taiwan Patent Attorney and vice president of Li & Cai Intellectual Property Office and Mr. Win-Ye Huang, former patent Examiner and consultant of the same office, visited our firm.   They advised us revised Patent Law in Taiwan. Main part is as follows.  Applicant can claim a grace period when he disclosed his invention on the website and publication before filing.





I had a meeting on a new trail with Linda Office in Beijing on July 12, 2012.   The attorney in charge of this case is Mr. Chixue WEI, who played an important role of funding China Trademark Office.   Eleven years have passed since we met last time.   I was very surprised that he was still powerful and it was amazing that he is 68 years old now!