                         日本語  English
Yamada Line Bldg. III 8th Fl.
11-10, Iidabashi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072  Japan
TEL. +81-3
-3222-4336  FAX +81-3-3222-4334


Patent Protection

1. Types of Patents

  1. Patents
  2. Utility Models
  3. Designs
  1. A patent is granted on any new and useful processe, machine, and manufacturing of matters. An inventive step is required and an examination process is also required. Plant invention is included.
  2. A utility model is granted without substantial examination. It is useful to register very quickly. However, Examination report from Japan Patent Office is required to enforce its right.
  3. A design is granted for any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.

2. The Patent Process

An applicant must file a request for the substantial examination to Japan Patent Office (JPO)
within 3 years from the filing date.
The term of examination, in generally, is about 2 years.  When Examiner finds prior art, Office action is issued.
We can respond to this action within 3 months from mailing date.
If the office action is overcome, a notice of allowance is issued. And when the registration fee is paid,
Patent Certificate is issued.

3. Patent Search

If you wish to start a new business in Japan, it is important to conduct a search. We can provide services for all types of fields of technologies.

4. Invalid Action

A patent is presumed. Sometimes, Examiner is not aware of most relevant prior art. The presumption of validity may be rebutted.
We can file an Appeal of Invalidation request to JPO.

5. Infringement

If you find suspicious counterfeit, we can assist you.





Unfair Competitions


Patent & Trademark Office

Yamada Line Bldg. III 8th Fl.
11-10, Iidabashi 2-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072

TEL +81-3-3222-4336
FAX +81-3-3222-4334